# Upgrade from 1.0.x to 2.0.x - The `NamedArgumentConstructorAnnotation` has been removed. Use the `@NamedArgumentConstructor` annotation instead. - `SimpleAnnotationReader` has been removed. - `DocLexer::peek()` and `DocLexer::glimpse` now return `Doctrine\Common\Lexer\Token` objects. When using `doctrine/lexer` 2, these implement `ArrayAccess` as a way for you to still be able to treat them as arrays in some ways. - `CachedReader` and `FileCacheReader` have been removed. - `AnnotationRegistry` methods related to registering annotations instead of using autoloading have been removed. - Parameter type declarations have been added to all methods of all classes. If you have classes inheriting from classes inside this package, you should add parameter and return type declarations. - Support for PHP < 7.2 has been removed - `PhpParser::parseClass()` has been removed. Use `PhpParser::parseUseStatements()` instead.